Обе выставки отображают значение и место цифровых технологий в человеческом обществе, а также в масштабах планеты Земля.
Для участия в мероприятии необходимо пройти по ссылке.
Дата: 10 марта 2021, Время: 20:00
We are pleased to present to your attention online lecture «Russian Digital Art» of Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology for Teaching Arts and Humanities of SPbU Natalia Fedorova.
The lecture will describe two exhibitions: Mindsets vs Datasets and Pangardenia that were held online. Both exhibitions present meaning and the place of technologies in human society as well as in the scope of planet Earth.
Date and time: 10 th of March, 8 PM Moscow time.
Working language: English.
We invite everyone to take part in the public lecture.
The link to participate in the event is available below: